Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Freaks Come Out at Night - Pt. 1

I'm temping full time for the next couple weeks {until I go to Myrtle Beeeach!!} & still holding down my job at the tanning bed at night & on the weekends. A little tiresome at times, but I would always prefer to work too much than not at all. So Monday, after I left my office job at 5, I went right on over to the tanning bed to start my shift there. & lemme tell ya, the stars must have been alligned or the moon was full or somethin' because the weirdest things were goin' down. Ok, maybe not weird, especially for the people doing these things, but just out of the norm & pretty entertaining for yours truly.

In a way I've loved working at the tanning bed... Let's be honest, it's cake & the people can be pretty amusing at times. Not to mention by boss can be a little bit of a nut job which always adds a little excitement to the day. But it really is amazing what people do in tanning beds... I guess they think that because they've done it in their private little room it's anonymous? I won't go into super specific details here, but let me just say... It can be pretty disturbing. & let me also say, it's never anonymous. We know who you nasty freaks are!

The first incident of the night began with a young lady who we'll call Victoria.. Because, yes, that name totally popped into my head for no reason whatsoever ;)
Let me give you a little background on this chick; she doesn't come in super often, but she's so frickin' annoying I can't help but remember her. She's kind of a ding dong & asks me stupid questions every time she comes in. I know, there is no such thing as a stupid question. Sorry, I disagree. There are definitely stupid questions. So she asks whatever it is that's got her in a tizz that day & never believes my answer.
I ask you... WHAT is the point of even asking if you don't trust that my answer is going to be right?! & to top it off, she's rude. Just flat out rude & it drives me nuts.

Anyway, she pulls up in the parking lot last night & my first instinct was to run. Then I realized I was the only one there & I couldn't.
Turns out Victoria was with a friend, whom she was allowing to drive her car. I didn't think anything about it until they both walked in & approached the counter.... I'm telling you, & this is kind of sad really, but Victoria was so high/messed up on something she all but fell asleep standing there waiting for me to ring up her visit & set her bed. I'm no expert on drugs & what not, but this was not your run of the mill tired/under the weather/just out of it situation. She could hardly even speak without sounding like she had a dozen marbles in her mouth, she was doing that weird one-eye-closed-at-a-time-so-they-each-can-have-a-rest-without-actually-falling-asleep-thing & she was practically laying on the counter... Naturally, she was paying with all one dollar bills & exact change. I'm telling you, it took 10 minutes for her to accomplish that task. Meanwhile, her 'friend' is standing there watching all of this with me, but without her jaw on the floor like mine was. Like it was no big deal! Thankfully we got through the paying-situation without any casualties, but when she headed for her bed she barely made it.

Maybe I'm weird but I'm curious... Why is tanning the cool thing to do while you're hopped up {or in her case, hopped down} on drugs? Just a thought.

Once she got back there & I got her friend set up in her own bed I texted a friend of mine to let her know what had just happened because it truly blew my mind how scuttered she was. My friend brought up a good point...
& I quote: "I'm betting money that she passes out in that bed."
Oh hells bells.
The 20 minutes that followed I was a nervous wreck thinking
"oh sweet lord I'm going to have to bust down one of Jan's doors to get this sloppy hooker out of here"
{I tend to think the worst when given the time to do so.}

Anywho, she came out of the bed on her own & sat on a bench waiting for her friend. She dropped her phone about 18 times trying to plug her headphones into it, but other than that she seemed to be a little better off. Which I thought was odd, but she also could have seemed that way to me because I didn't interact with her as much once she was out.

Moral of the story--- Crack is WACK!
{Not that I know what exactly she was on, but the rhyme came to mind nonetheless.}

I have a part 2 coming later today & it is eeeeeven stranger!

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