I am so excited I can't even contain myself!
Let's start from the beginning shall we?
Evidently this week has been 'casual week' here at work & yours truly only found out about it yesterday {thanks for the memo colleagues.} Naturally, when I got up this morning I was pumped to wear something comfortable... I was dead set on a pair of jeans & was SO dead set on said pair of jeans, I became late whilst looking for them. But everything happens for a reason. Now stay with me... If I had not been looking for those jeans, making myself late & what not, then I would not have been in the car to hear this glorious news on the radio!
My long-time loves Justin Timberlake & Ashley Olsen are rumored to be dating!
Of course neither camp has confirmed the rumors & JTimb's rep simply stated that they were not involved in any sort of relationship that is not platonic.
According to Perez Hilton, {who, like it or not, always reports stories that are true!} the two have been gallavanting all around NYC. Specifically, the Greenwich Hotel, a Saturday Night Live after party, two Broadway shows & a polo match outside the city!!!!
Why do I care, you may ask? Well, let me explain... Justin Timberlake, Ashley Olsen, & I go waaayyy back.
Justin Timberlake was my very first celbrity crush. Remember those random concerts they used to show on the Disney channel? They always had those up & coming groups & artists before they got huge? {& really, if you think about it, part of the reason half those groups & artists became huge was probably because of those little concerts.} Well, N*SYNC was featured one night & probably about 5 seconds into their first song, I was hooked. I mean GLUED to the tv. I was completely hypnotized. Those boys could move! & the songs were incredibly catchy, {please bear in mind I was about 8 or 9.}
There he was... In those ridiculous baby blue parachute pants with bleach blonde curls so covered in gel they weren't movin' for weeks.

From then on out I was completely in love. My committment never wavering. Nope, not even for those lame ass Backstreet Boys.
Meanwhile, Mary Kate & Ashley were bursting on the scene {& by scene I mean mine & my friend's living rooms in those ridiculously adorable movies they used to make.}
Anybody remember this one?

Unfortunately for everyone in our house this was on constant repeat. My sister & I watching their every move, taking dilligent notes on their outfits & miscellaneous belongings. Luckily I never gave copying their bangs a whirl... That would have been bad news for everyone.
As I got older the Olsen Twins appeared to be the only child stars to actually keep their shiz together as they grew up. MK had that unfortunate bout with anorexia, but seems to have made a positive recovery. & as far as I know, has only made a single trip to rehab. If you ask me, one trip to rehab between two people isn't bad! Especially considering the fact that most child stars are in & out on a bi-monthly basis. Ashley in particular has maintained a timeless style that I never get tired of looking at! I think I take her picture with me every time I go for a blonde appointment, as well. & let me just go ahead & get this out of the way... I know she can dress pretty frumpily at times, but hey... Don't we all?
Anywho, I am beyond excited about this rumor & sincerely hope it is true!
B-E-A-uuutiful babes would come out of this union. Just sayin'!
Evidently this week has been 'casual week' here at work & yours truly only found out about it yesterday {thanks for the memo colleagues.} Naturally, when I got up this morning I was pumped to wear something comfortable... I was dead set on a pair of jeans & was SO dead set on said pair of jeans, I became late whilst looking for them. But everything happens for a reason. Now stay with me... If I had not been looking for those jeans, making myself late & what not, then I would not have been in the car to hear this glorious news on the radio!
My long-time loves Justin Timberlake & Ashley Olsen are rumored to be dating!
Of course neither camp has confirmed the rumors & JTimb's rep simply stated that they were not involved in any sort of relationship that is not platonic.
According to Perez Hilton, {who, like it or not, always reports stories that are true!} the two have been gallavanting all around NYC. Specifically, the Greenwich Hotel, a Saturday Night Live after party, two Broadway shows & a polo match outside the city!!!!
Why do I care, you may ask? Well, let me explain... Justin Timberlake, Ashley Olsen, & I go waaayyy back.
Justin Timberlake was my very first celbrity crush. Remember those random concerts they used to show on the Disney channel? They always had those up & coming groups & artists before they got huge? {& really, if you think about it, part of the reason half those groups & artists became huge was probably because of those little concerts.} Well, N*SYNC was featured one night & probably about 5 seconds into their first song, I was hooked. I mean GLUED to the tv. I was completely hypnotized. Those boys could move! & the songs were incredibly catchy, {please bear in mind I was about 8 or 9.}
There he was... In those ridiculous baby blue parachute pants with bleach blonde curls so covered in gel they weren't movin' for weeks.

From then on out I was completely in love. My committment never wavering. Nope, not even for those lame ass Backstreet Boys.
Meanwhile, Mary Kate & Ashley were bursting on the scene {& by scene I mean mine & my friend's living rooms in those ridiculously adorable movies they used to make.}
Anybody remember this one?

Unfortunately for everyone in our house this was on constant repeat. My sister & I watching their every move, taking dilligent notes on their outfits & miscellaneous belongings. Luckily I never gave copying their bangs a whirl... That would have been bad news for everyone.
As I got older the Olsen Twins appeared to be the only child stars to actually keep their shiz together as they grew up. MK had that unfortunate bout with anorexia, but seems to have made a positive recovery. & as far as I know, has only made a single trip to rehab. If you ask me, one trip to rehab between two people isn't bad! Especially considering the fact that most child stars are in & out on a bi-monthly basis. Ashley in particular has maintained a timeless style that I never get tired of looking at! I think I take her picture with me every time I go for a blonde appointment, as well. & let me just go ahead & get this out of the way... I know she can dress pretty frumpily at times, but hey... Don't we all?
Anywho, I am beyond excited about this rumor & sincerely hope it is true!
B-E-A-uuutiful babes would come out of this union. Just sayin'!

& let's just say, for some crazy reason, this rumor is not true?
Let it be known that I'm bankin' on a Britney comeback {sans busted weave & white trash antics} & a JTimbs/BritBrit Mickey Mouse Club-esque reunion. Of the romantic variety.
Happy Thursday! One day away from FRiDAY! :)
Child we have LOADS in common! From my blog to yours! And we're both KY chicks. You being late while looking for your jeans sounds like something I would be a guilty party of...actually that happened to me this morning except I was packing my lunch. Tubby Tubbbby. Anyhoo, I hope this rumour IS true because Ashley is the cuter one (and I get that she is a twin ---but I think you see this haha)